MasterLife is a developmental, small-group discipleship process that will help you develop a lifelong, obedient relationship with Christ. The goal is your discipleship. For you to become like Christ.
Six Key Disciplines
As you develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, you will experience His leading you to develop six biblical disciplines of a disciple:
Spend time with the Master
Live in the Word
Pray in Faith
Fellowship with Believers
Witness to the world
Minister to Others

What do the classes consist of?
Each book builds on the other and is a recommended prerequisite for the following. The group meets once a week. Each book contains daily assignments for the class members. There is also a weekly memory verse.
(These are very important.)
The class goes over the memory verses, and the daily lessons via discussion and assignments and class presentations. Each week’s assignment includes elements of the six disciplines mentioned before.
Discipleship is a relationship. It is not something you do by yourself. You need human models, instruction, and accountability. This is what your leader or leaders will be to the class. Christ, the group, and the church are vital for your growth. Without the church, you lack the support you need to grow in Christ.