As a Founder and CEO of Jordan Christian Center, PAstor H serve God and His people by answering the call to reach out beyond the walls of the church and make a difference in the lives of others.
His heart's desire is that GOD will use this ministry to touch lives so one may emerge as a result of our efforts to reach millions. His aspiration is for people to not only be hearers, but doers of the word to bring about change in the kingdom of God. He looks forward to God providing opportunities to teach and preach God’s Word. He believes in prayer and power that accompanies it and this is why he stays his my knees praying for the body of CHRIST, interceding for the lost of the world, and for the Will of GOD to be accomplished. He would love to pray for you by dropping a prayer request.
Finally, he is happily married to the love of his life, Lady Dawn for the past 31 plus years. Together they partner to share in spreading The Word of God. They are blessed with three lovely daughters, four grandsons, and a son-in-law. Whom they love all dearly.


He believes in the example CHRIST set for us as a servant leader. CHRIST said, "Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. - Matthew 20:28" For that very reason he adopted the title of 'Minister' to indicate he a servant of our LORD and SAVIOR. A Servant Leader of the LORD who serves The LORD's people by liberating them through the WORD of GOD. This is why he has a zeal to teach/preach on how we can apply The Word of God to our everyday lives.
His calling from GOD centers around the scripture, "My people perish because of a lack of knowledge." As a result, GOD planted a strong passion in him to effectively communicate The Word of GOD with all of God’s children.